Sunday 31 July 2016

Get Special Insurance Policies Online for Senior Citizens

Get Special Insurance Policies Online for Senior Citizens l Senior Citizens Term Life Insurance

Get Special Insurance Policies Online for Senior Citizens:- Old age is that part of life when our body mechanism tends to slow down and not function properly.After working 24X7 without rest, throughout your life, it is natural for out body to start having some problems during the fourth and last major phase of life.This is when medical costs start rising, and the only way to meet them is to Get a Life Insurance for Seniors Citizens.

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Best Life Insurance Policies for Senior Citizens
Best Life Insurance Policies for Senior Citizens

Previously many insurance companies had no policy to for older adults. Those that were there had a very High Rate of Premium. Now things have changed. Now anyone can get life insurance quotes online at any stage of life, be it childhood, teenage, adulthood or old age. This is primarily due to the new laws which have come in. Now some states have even made it mandatory for insurance companies to have Life Coverage Policies for Senior Citizens which offer guaranteed coverage for people over sixty-three years of age.

Mostly due to the unpredictable nature of life, almost all of these policies offering life coverage policies for Senior Citizens Term Life Insurance. We know that life insurance policies can be of two types—whole life insurance. Whole life insurance means getting coverage for the entire life whereas term life coverage policies generally cover a period of twenty to thirty years.

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High Rate Premium For Seniors Citizens
High Rate Premium For Seniors Citizens

Mostly life coverage policies for senior citizens pay a very limited benefit in case the man dies within two years of making the system. But after two years all the available benefits are given to the beneficiaries. The best part of this life coverage policy for senior citizens that in the case of accidental death of a senior citizen, his beneficiaries get the total benefits. Today there is a variety of life insurance for seniors available in the market. These cater to every segment of the society from the wealthy, who are willing to pay high rate premiums, to the poor for whom every penny counts and who are only able to afford policies requiring you to pay only fifteen dollars a month. Even a Small Life Coverage Policy for Senior Citizens better than not having any insurance policy for old age at all.

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Senior Citizens Term Life Insurance
Senior Citizens Term Life Insurance

As mentioned earlier since life insurance for the elderly are generally for a short period, the rates tend to vary with every insurance company. The computer is the best option to find out which policy is best for a person. Today there are many websites which offer a comparative study of Life Insurance Quotes Online. This is a big help since it lets a person compare all the requirements and benefits of life coverage policies for senior citizens given by the different companies. This also helps narrow down the search to a few options from which it is easier to choose the right policy.

There is only one flaw to the whole system of having a life insurance policy for the elderly. There is, usually, no system for people who have reached eighty-five years of age. But with the betterment of life standards and progress in the field of medicine, people have higher life expectancy now. Thus we can always hope that sometime in the future there would be a life insurance policy for the elderly who are of eighty-five years or more.

Get Special Insurance Policies Online for Senior Citizens

Saturday 30 July 2016

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Travelling Tips for Disneyland in USA

Travelling Tips for Disneyland in USA | Disneyland tips and tricks | Disneyland Planning Guide | What to do at Disneyland

Travelling Tips for Disneyland in USA :- If you plan on flying into the Orange County Airport  for your Disneyland trip, and if you’ll be staying in Anaheim, or at one of the Disneyland Resort Hotels, and if your theme park plans are limited to Disneyland and California Adventure, you might think about skipping the rental car on your Disneyland trip



The Anaheim Resort Transportation  system runs, on the average, every 20 minutes on several different routes through Anaheim and Disneyland during Disneyland’s hours of operation. A 5-Day Pass is just $12 (which gives you one day for free), and kids under 10 ride free with an adult .Best America Travel Destinations ART Passes may be purchased from your hotel, or from other convenient public sales outlets. Drivers do not sell passes. In addition, ART passes can be purchased at kiosk locations around the Anaheim Resort area.


There are a number of restaurants in Downtown Disney, and several more just across the street from Disneyland on Harbor Blvd. Grab a limo or van service to/from your hotel and the airport and use the ART system to get around Anaheim. Disneyland planning Guide it will save you a bundle!Not knowing about the ART ahead of time, we rented a car for our Disneyland trip. Aside from a trip to Wal-Mart, we didn’t use the car at all during the first three days of our trip. We did use it on the last two days, mostly because it was sitting there not getting used; and because the idea of making use of the convertible on the two-block drive to Disneyland sounded like more fun than the bus. But honestly, the car was a waste of money, and we wouldn’t have used it at all had we known then what we now know.



Travelling Tips for Disneyland in USA



It’s New York’s billionaire vs. billionaire brawl, when Donald Trump , the Republican presidential nominee, unleashed a wave of Twitter attacks on Michael Bloomberg, as a response to his sharp anti-Trump speech, Bloomberg had delivered at the DNC this week.

Trump tweeted “If Michael Bloomberg ran again for Mayor of New York, he wouldn’t get 10% of the vote – they would run him out of town!”. Howard Wolfson, Bloomberg’s top political aide, in response tweeted a 2013 video in which Trump, at a golf course opening, turns to Bloomberg and says “I have to say, you have been a great mayor” and reaches to shake his fellow billionaire’s hand. Aides to Bloomberg, gleefully circulated links to a handful of Trump’s previous tweets praising Bloomberg, to reporters.

Bloomberg previously had a cordial relationship with Trump, whom he knew from New York’s glitzy social circuit and from dealings with him as a developer. But his aides have suggested that the mayor, no stranger to funding candidates and groups for causes he supports, namely gun control, could bankroll some anti-Trump expenditures this fall.

Bloomberg, was elected mayor of New York in 2001 as a Republican. He considered making a third-party Independent run for the White House this year but had opted against the campaign, for fear of siphoning votes from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and took the stage in DNC-Philadelphia to condemn Trump as a “risky, reckless, and radical choice.”

Addressing Mr Bloomberg as “little” he wrote: `Little’ Michael Bloomberg, who never had the guts to run for president, knows nothing about me. His last term as Mayor was a disaster!”.

Trump, 12 hours ago had acknowledged at a campaign rally in Iowa, his intention to take a swipe at few of the DNC speakers but was talked out of it. Though he didn’t name his intended target, but he did characterize him as “little”. Bloomberg is listed at standing 5’8″. Trump could always insist of his fortune his north of $10 billion, but still would be a dwarf before Bloomberg, who is worth more than $47 billion, according to Forbes magazine while Trump is listed at $4.5 billion. Trump insists.

Bloomberg said “Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s run his business. God help us, Truth be told, the richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy.” He also ad-libbed a line calling Clinton a “sane, competent person” and pointedly suggested that Trump was not.

A spokesman for the former mayor, the founder of the financial news and information provider Bloomberg LP, declined to respond directly to Trump’s Friday tweetstorm.


This election isn’t just Democrat vs. Republican. It’s normal vs. abnormal

USA Election: This election isn’t just Democrat vs. Republican. It’s normal vs. abnormal

The conventions held at Cleveland and Philadelphia showed that this is something different and defies a moment where our normal understanding of political system, of a split between the two major political beliefs. When we speak of of American politics, It’s Democrats versus Republicans, liberals versus conservatives, left versus right.

This year’s USA Presidential Election, is different. Its more fundamental: Its between a normal political party that has nominated a normal presidential candidate, and the abnormal political party with a abnormal presidential candidate.

The DNC was a normal political party’s convention which nominated Hillary Clinton, a longtime party member with deep experience in government. Clinton was endorsed by Bernie Sanders- the runner-up in the primary and Barack Obama, the sitting president. Various Democratic luminaries gave speeches endorsing Clinton by name and criticized the other party’s nominee. Not those divisions didn’t exist, they did as in any Political party.

Republicans held an abnormal convention and nominated an abnormal candidate, Donald Trump, a new member with literally no experience in government. Ted Cruz, the runner-up in the primary, refused to endorse Trump in his primetime speech, and instead told Americans to “vote your conscience.”

The prospective first lady’s speech had a plagiarized passage from the Democratic Party’s first lady. Trump surprisingly missed the first night of his own convention by doing a phone interview with Fox News and an hour-long discussion with the Golf Channel.

He distracted his running mate’s acceptance speech, when told of his intention of, him not wanting to automatically honor America’s commitments under NATO treaty.

Trump’s speech was enthusiastically endorsed by David Duke, the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. “Couldn’t have said it better,” he tweeted.

His Self destructive behavior didn’t end with the convention. The next day, Trump goes to press stating, Ted Cruz’s father was likely involved in the JFK Assassination plot and swore he wouldn’t accept Cruz’s endorsement even if it were offered, and argued that the National Enquirer deserved a Pulitzer Prize.

Trump has been critizied by his own party for racist comments, attacks on the judiciary, undermining the NATO alliance, for inviting foreign governments to meddle in American elections just hours after his running mate, Mike Pence, had warned of “serious consequences” if Russia truly was behind the DNC hack.

This election puts Republicans in a hard position. It was never a between a normal candidate and an abnormal one, it’s also between a liberal candidate and a, well, conservative one.

Michael Bloomberg, the former Republican mayor of New York City, put it simply in a speech endorsing Clinton. “Together, let’s elect a sane, competent person, This is not a man with the temperament, the steadiness, or the discipline to be president”.

Should he win, we have no idea of the democratic boundaries he would respect, the conspiracy theories he would believe, which political enemies he would punish, which of the treaties would be honored. None of this is okay. None of it is normal. Donald Trump is an abnormal political candidate

From nation governed by norms, not by just laws. Our political parties are expected to hold, certain standards in terms of the candidates they nominate, the behaviors they accept, the ideas they mainstream. Trump violates those standards. By indulging him, the Republican Party is normalizing him and his behavior, and made itself abnormal.
It would take a long time for the Republicans to undo the damages done by their choice of a presidential nominee

This election isn’t just Democrat vs. Republican. It’s normal vs. abnormal

Questions about Melania Trump’s bio suggest fibbing is not worth it

THE HAUNTING : Melania Trump’s Bio, Fibbing is not worth it

Your resume will get checked, even if you’re not a future First Lady

Most employers have caught a lie on a resume, and the most one is embellishing a skill set. Guess that doesn’t stop just for a JOB, but as the wife of a US Presidential Nominee, she’s been facing unfamiliar levels of scrutiny.

Questions about Melania Trump’s bio suggest fibbing is not worth it

She is no stranger to the spotlight, as a former model who graced the covers of Vogue and GQ,. She was far less visible than other family members excepting for her occasional appearance at Mr. Trump’s rallies and few TV interviews. Since Mr. Trump’s announced his running for the president, she has been constantly dogged by questions for several months if she actually graduated from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, with a Degree in in architecture and design, as the profile read on her website & her interview with the media.

melania trump

An investigation by some Slovenian journalists & CBS News alleges that the university’s public records doesn’t show Mrs.Trump graduating with a degree. An unofficial biography — The Inside Story: From a Slovenian Communist Village to the White House claimed, Mrs. Trump’s credentials had been deliberately exaggerated to give the impression of “Beauty with Brains” , it now looks like , she had  left the university after a year without a degree.

In a similar fiasco, involving Mrs Trump, she was accused of plagiarism while delivering an address at Republican National Convention -2016, that included portions strongly echoing a convention speech given by First Lady Michelle Obama in 2008. Meredith McIver, a speechwriter working for Mr Trump, took full responsibility for the apparent plagiarism after two days later.

The disappearance of web site on 27 July 2016 raised many eyebrows due to its timing, coming just days after numerous sources questioned whether possible future first lady had actually earned an undergraduate degree in architecture, as her online biography had claimed. Many claim it to be an effort to neutralise those allegations.

A tweet from Melania’s account reads “The website in question was created in 2012 and has been removed because it does not accurately reflect my current business and professional interests”. It remains unclear exactly what parts of the website were inaccurate, this proves why it is a bad idea to put any inaccurate or misleading information on a bio, résumé or cover letter, said Vicki Salemi, a a former corporate recruiter and career expert at Monster.

Everything is transparent now,” Salemi said. “Don’t ever lie. Assume you’ll get caught. Because you will. And That will follow you and haunt you.”

Her thesis couldn’t be found in the university system or the country’s national register of publications. Official answers have not been forthcoming from the university and from the heads of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Ljubljana as to whether Mrs. Melania Trump had graduated or not. The Faculty have been tight-lipped, citing strict Slovenian legislation on personal data, maintaining that it was Melania’s personal business.

The Trump campaign didn’t respond immediately on request for a comment, Guess Trump Campaign doesn’t have anyone in their team to take full responsibility this time.

Questions about Melania Trump’s bio suggest fibbing is not worth it

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Friday 29 July 2016

Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment | Rheumatic Fever

Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment | Surgery For Heart

Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment: Does it affect your heart as the name implies? Before you find the answer, it’s much better to clearly understand about rheumatic fever. Because in fact this kind of inflammation disease is also often found together with Rheumatic Heart Disease! Even statistics shows that RHD is the most severe complication and pretty common complication that occurs from poorly treated of rheumatic fever disease.

Rheumatic Fever Symptoms In Children
Rheumatic Fever Symptoms In Children

Rheumatic Fever – What Actually Is It?
It can be categorized into a group of inflammatory disease that typically occurs due to a complication of inappropriately treated of strep throat infection. This infection often causes fever in early stage. In many cases, it is triggered by streptococcus bacteria.
Children are the most vulnerable to have this kind of infection, particularly for those from 5 to 15 years of old. Nevertheless, streptococcus bacterial infection also can occur in younger children (younger than 5 years of age) and in teenagers (older than 15 years of age) or even adults.Then, what actually is rheumatic heart disease?

Rheumatic Heart Disease Effects | World Health Organization | Pediatric

 As the name suggests, it is a condition to describe an advance stage of rheumatic fever that Cause Damage to the Heart, these include narrowing the heart’s valve, a leak that occurs in valve of heart, and even the weakness of the heart’s muscles. In other words, Rheumatic Heart Disease Medicine used to describe a serious complication of rheumatic fever that has affected the performance of the heart.

Fever Treatment
Fever Treatment

Tips for Heart Disease you need to completely understand that the heart damage due to rheumatic fever can be permanent and irreversible. That’s why doctors categorize this inflammation disease into a group of severe diseases that can be potentially life-threatening.
According to the Best Hospitals In U.S., the heart damage is the most significant dangerous complication of rheumatic fever. About almost 50 percents of all cases of this inflammation problem can scar the heart valves (crucial parts of heart to pump and distribute blood all around the body).

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Health Tips for Kids get the Streptococcus Bacterial Infection and develop rheumatic fever for the first time and then they get adequate & appropriate treatment, they are less likely to have RHD. But on the other hand, if the inflammation reoccur, Rheumatic Heart Disease is also more likely to occur.

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Heart Care

Best Fitness Tips,If the rheumatic fever reoccur, doctors often ask their patients to take certain antibiotics (at low dose) to help kill and cure the bacterial infection completely. These antibiotics may be prescribed continuously up to 3 to 5 years to make sure that the infection will not reoccur for the second time.

Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment | Rheumatic Fever

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Thursday 28 July 2016

Online Dating Mistakes Must Avoid

Online Dating Mistakes Must Avoid

Online Dating Mistakes Must Avoid: Whether you’ve been in the online dating game for awhile or you’re just starting out, there are a few common mistakes you might be making that can easily be avoided. If you aren’t getting as many messages as you’d like or you aren’t getting the responses you’re looking for, now may be the time to change your technique and try a new approach.

Online Dating Mistakes Must Avoid | Precaution | Safety | Awareness 

You Don’t Have a Picture Posted 

A simple  Dating Tips For Women, if you’ve got an excellent profile set up with no picture and you’re wondering why you aren’t getting many messages, this could be the reason. A lot of people out there don’t want to message someone they can’t visualize. This doesn’t mean they’re shallow or appearance-focused, but having no picture could make them think the worst. Even if you don’t like photos of yourself, having any picture on your profile is better than having nothing at all. 

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You Aren’t Being Completely Honest 

You don’t have to lay out your entire life story on your profile or make a checklist of all your flaws and secrets, but being honest about who you are will make things easier for you if you’re looking for a real connection. Trying to explain later why you no longer have the job you said you did, or what happened to your amazing car you mentioned, could be awkward and will make you look dishonest and untrustworthy.

Misleading or incredibly old photos can also be a bad idea when it comes time to meet your online interest. You may have developed a deep enough connection for them to look past the fact that you’re no longer 20 with a full head of hair, but in most cases, it makes a bad first impression to arrive at a date looking nothing like they expected.

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Dating Tips For Women

You’re Too Hard on Yourself 

Nobody expects you to be perfect, but filling your profile up with a list of your flaws, shortcomings, and bad habits might scare people away. You do want, to be honest, but you don’t need to slander yourself. If there’s something you think people should know, by all means, put it up there, but for the most part, you should make your profile as flattering and friendly as possible. They’ll have time to learn about your quirks once they get to know you, so give yourself the opportunity to get to that point.

Be Clear At Your Point 

It’s good to be clear about you want and be as straightforward as you go on Free Online Dating, but you want to remember that the person you’re talking to doesn’t know you yet so building a little bit of trust first will result in a better connection. Sounding jealous or desperate to someone you’ve just met is a good way to get yourself on their block list, so online or offline, keep things light with the people you’ve just met and take the chance to learn more about each other.

Online Dating Mistakes Must Avoid

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Michelle Obama Makes Emotional Appeal for Hillary Clinton

Michelle Obama Makes Emotional Appeal for Hillary Clinton | Michelle Obama Supports Hillary Clinton |  Michelle Obama Offers Emotional Clinton Endorsement

Michelle Obama Makes Emotional Appeal for Hillary Clinton : Michelle Obama, The First Lady was the one who stole the show at the Democratic Convention, as she gave a rousing and emotional appeal to Democrats on the opening night.

She laid out the options in stark terms at the nominating convention: Who do you want to mold the next generation?

Michelle Obama Offers Emotional Clinton Endorsement, “I am here tonight because in this election there is only one person who I trust with that responsibility,” Obama said. “There is only one person who is truly qualified to be president of the United States, and that is our friend Hillary Clinton.”

Addressing the fractured party of angry voters, who are wary of the party establishment and distrustful of the presumptive nominee, Obama’s speech was one of many attempts by speakers to unify the votes. She outlined a different set of Clinton’s characteristics, emphasizing her tenacity, her steadiness and her work ethic.

She tried explaining the need and the repercussions of the election: “Electing someone who understands the world is more complicated than “140 characters. Hillary Clinton has never quit anything in her life,” Obama said. “She never buckles under pressure. She never takes the easy way out. When you have the nuclear codes at your fingertips and the military at your command, you can’t have a thin skin or a tendency to lash out,”

Without naming him, she contrasted Clinton with Republican nominee as an erratic and self-centered candidate and would want a president “whose life works shows our children we don’t chase fame and fortune for ourselves”.

Obama’s speech revealed her personal predicaments, her unease in living at the White House, when she wakes up daily to the fact that the house was built by slaves. She asking herself on the first day, “What have we done?” as she watched her two young children, drive off in a Secret Service SUV to their new school in Washington, D.C. Her speech focused on children and their future, criticism of Trump was woven through out.

She told as parents , they have taught daughters Sasha and Malia to “ignore those who question their father’s citizenship or faith,” something Trump has done.

Michelle Obama Makes Emotional Appeal for Hillary Clinton

Chloe Mafia Adult Star Big Brother 2016 Contestant

Chloe Mafia  Adult Star Big Brother 2016 Contestant

Chloe Mafia  Adult Star Big Brother 2016 Contestant : Chloe Mafia or Chloe Khan is one of the 13 stars entering into the Celebrity Big Brother house this Thursday night. Chloe Mafia’s identity has been revealed on Adult Work website, with details in the adult entertainment industry.

According to the Daily Mirror, the account linked to the former X Factor reject – who reportedly made more than £1million from stripping on the internet and running her own webcam business – shares kinky tales of the blogger’s sexploits all around the world.Chloe presenter reported that it wasn’t the Chlo’se profile but she had used the site in the past.Chloe Mafia whose real name is Chloe Khan has taken down the account on adult website work.

The star’s representative told MailOnline: ‘Chloe used Adult Work several years ago for web cam modelling and to promote the hundreds of web cam models she manages, which she has always been open about. But she no longer uses the site and instead runs her own web cam business Everyone’s Secret employing 300+ web cam models.’There may be some old, fake Chloe ‘Mafia’ profiles still on Adult Work though which are nothing to do with her.’

Representative from the website told, profile name ‘ChloeMafiaXfactor’ was on the site but this account has not been deactivated by the company although suspended or deleted by the user only. He also told that account was setup in year 2010 and had million views, photo galleries are also made available to view for user to sign up quickly.

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Kim Kardashian New Stunning Avatar Looks Slimmer

Kim Kardashian New Stunning Avatar Looks Slimmer: Kim Kardashian new stunning avatar was seen when we found her attending the family dinner of her Grandma MJ’s 82nd birthday, she looks slimmer looks slimmer in a leather corset dress at family dinner than ever after the Kim Kardashian Baby Boy Saint was born.

Kim Kardashian Reality Actress 35 years old wife of Kayne West American Rapper has announced after losing more than 70 pounds since the birth of her son Saint in December.Kim Kardashian showed off her sizzling body when she attended her Grandma dinner with family in San Diego. Kim Kardashian in Sexy Black Mini Leather Skirt holding daughter North hand while entering to the party.

She wore a leather string around her neck as a choker necklace, which she tied into a knot and back high ponytail. Adding pink strap high heels which had ankle straps. Have a look at the Kim Kardashian New Avatar Pictures which you haven’t seen before.

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Kim Kardashian New Stunning Avatar Looks Slimmer

Justin Timberlake Slapped By Fan

Justin Timberlake Slapped By Fan | Golf Tournament

Justin Timberlake Slapped By Fan : Justin Timberlake got five to the face from a golf spectator — and then the spectator got busted by cops … Over the weekend, at the 27th Annual American Century Championship Celebrity Golf Event held at Lake Tahoe, cops had to intervene and make an arrest, in an incident involving Grammy Winner Justin Timberlake.
Tournament reps observe it as a minor incident; involving a Spectator Slapping Justin Timberlake  as he’s walking through the crowd, while they should have taken responsibility for the sloppy security arrangements.
In a video obtained by TMZ, fans were able to witness the event, and Justin didn’t take it lightly either and you can see him turning and Yelling at the unknown Individual, “Bro, Why would you do that?”. Have a look to the Justin Timberlake Assault Video .

Justin Timberlake Slapped By Fan Video Obtained by TMZ

The cops had to arrest the unknown individual, though he was initially just escorted out of the event as Justin didn’t want to press charges. Law enforcement sources tell us that the slap happy suspect claimed that he got overzealous, he just wanted to ‘touch’ Justin but had to make an arrest as the suspect refused to leave the premises & he appeared intoxicated and belligerent.
On a brighter note, the golf championship brought together, Timberlake, Stephen Curry, and Alfonso Ribeiro. It reminded us of Riberio and Timberlake pleasing the crowd with their throwback moves earlier this year at the 2016 AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am.

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Justin Timberlake Slapped By Fan

Police Hunt Suspects After Texas Sheriff Deputy Shot

Police Hunt Suspects After Texas Sheriff Deputy Shot | Texas Police Officer Killed At Home | Texas Police Officer Killed In Apparent Burglary Attempt

Police Hunt Suspects After Texas Sheriff Deputy Shot : Sgt. Craig Hutchinson, Texas sheriff’s deputy, set to retire in September after 32 years of public service, Texas Police Officer Killed In Apparent Burglary Attempt early Monday morning and succumbed to his injuries at Round Rock Medical Center.. “The officials are in search of two suspects” reported The Austin American-Statesman.

During the Monday press conference Travis County Sheriff Greg Hamilton said , Officers responding to Hutchinson’s call for help over the police radio, shortly before 1:30 a.m., found him lying in the back yard of his home.,. “He was my field training officer, so this is near and dear to me. This guy was a big teddy bear and everybody loved him. He was a gentle bear and he taught me everything I know…I loved that guy to death.”

He said there’s nothing suggesting an ambush situation, and it’s more likely that Hutchinson walked in on a burglar attempting to steal from his shed. USA Breaking News, some equipment has been observed missing from Hutchinson’s shed and there had been similar burglaries in the area, recently.

“Please keep our Travis County Sheriff’s family in your thoughts and prayers. Sad, troubling time we live in. Austin police stands with our friends,” Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo said on Twitter.

The Authorities could be seen working the block where the shooting occurred, which remained ringed with yellow tape and red tape surrounded Hutchison’s home, for more than six hours after the shooting. Police later closed portions of Interstate 35 heading into Austin briefly , as a long procession of police cars transported Hutchinson’s body to the coroner’s office.

Police Hunt Suspects After Texas Sheriff Deputy Shot