Saturday 30 July 2016



It’s New York’s billionaire vs. billionaire brawl, when Donald Trump , the Republican presidential nominee, unleashed a wave of Twitter attacks on Michael Bloomberg, as a response to his sharp anti-Trump speech, Bloomberg had delivered at the DNC this week.

Trump tweeted “If Michael Bloomberg ran again for Mayor of New York, he wouldn’t get 10% of the vote – they would run him out of town!”. Howard Wolfson, Bloomberg’s top political aide, in response tweeted a 2013 video in which Trump, at a golf course opening, turns to Bloomberg and says “I have to say, you have been a great mayor” and reaches to shake his fellow billionaire’s hand. Aides to Bloomberg, gleefully circulated links to a handful of Trump’s previous tweets praising Bloomberg, to reporters.

Bloomberg previously had a cordial relationship with Trump, whom he knew from New York’s glitzy social circuit and from dealings with him as a developer. But his aides have suggested that the mayor, no stranger to funding candidates and groups for causes he supports, namely gun control, could bankroll some anti-Trump expenditures this fall.

Bloomberg, was elected mayor of New York in 2001 as a Republican. He considered making a third-party Independent run for the White House this year but had opted against the campaign, for fear of siphoning votes from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and took the stage in DNC-Philadelphia to condemn Trump as a “risky, reckless, and radical choice.”

Addressing Mr Bloomberg as “little” he wrote: `Little’ Michael Bloomberg, who never had the guts to run for president, knows nothing about me. His last term as Mayor was a disaster!”.

Trump, 12 hours ago had acknowledged at a campaign rally in Iowa, his intention to take a swipe at few of the DNC speakers but was talked out of it. Though he didn’t name his intended target, but he did characterize him as “little”. Bloomberg is listed at standing 5’8″. Trump could always insist of his fortune his north of $10 billion, but still would be a dwarf before Bloomberg, who is worth more than $47 billion, according to Forbes magazine while Trump is listed at $4.5 billion. Trump insists.

Bloomberg said “Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s run his business. God help us, Truth be told, the richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy.” He also ad-libbed a line calling Clinton a “sane, competent person” and pointedly suggested that Trump was not.

A spokesman for the former mayor, the founder of the financial news and information provider Bloomberg LP, declined to respond directly to Trump’s Friday tweetstorm.


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