Wednesday 24 August 2016

New York Times says suspected Russian hackers targeted Moscow bureau

The New York Times said on Tuesday its Moscow bureau was targeted by a cyber attack this month but that there was no evidence the hackers, believed to be Russian, were successful. "We are constantly monitoring our systems with the latest available intelligence and tools," Times spokeswoman Eileen Murphy told the newspaper. "We have seen no evidence that any of our internal systems, including our systems in the Moscow bureau, have been breached or compromised." Earlier on Tuesday, CNN, citing unnamed U.S. officials, reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other U.S. security agencies were investigating cyber breaches targeting reporters at the Times and other U.S. news organizations that were thought to have been carried out by hackers working for Russian intelligence. "Investigators so far believe that Russian intelligence is likely behind the attacks and that Russian hackers are targeting news organizations as part of a broader series of hacks that also have foc

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