Tuesday 2 August 2016


Monday’s tweetstorm was just the latest salvo in a year-long anti-media campaign by Trump. 7 out of Trump’s 15 tweets in last 24 hours have been about CNN observed Journalist Justin Green of Independent Journal and called his complaints “exhausting” in a tweet on Monday.”

Accusations of Media bias tend to rally Trump supporters to his side but the anti-media messaging, could affect his other general campaign themes. Donald Trump’s irritability with CNN has been going on for months, though it was the only channel to employ pro trump analysts including his former campaign manager amongst the Top three Cable News Channel.

What got the Presidential Nominee peeved to go on an uncommonly lengthy, anti-CNN rant on twitter on Monday? The tweets came quite aggressive , just a couple of hours before CNN was due to release the results of a new national poll. Was it his attempt to discredit the poll results of CNN or the foreknowledge of the post convention polls, which declared Hillary leading Trump by 8 Points or the Coverage of Khan’s?

He did not complain about anything specific, not of CNN reporting nor did he object to any particular comment its anchors could have made on air. If it’s the Khan’s coverage, then he has picked an odd time. We know he was tweeting about the Khans appearance on CNN while on AIR. Patricia Smith, the mother of an American killed in Benghazi, was blaming Clinton on air and she felt, Mr. Trump shouldn’t feel compelled to Apologize to Khans. Smiths Interview did not alter his thinking.

CNN anchors are completely out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs,” he wrote.

Though CNN and other news channels have covered border issues in depth for years, he sarcastically commented if CNN would “send its cameras to the border to show the massive unreported crisis now unfolding — or are they worried it will hurt Hillary?”

CNN like other channels had previously published numerous investigations into Clinton controversies, including the family foundation, links between donors and State Department activities. But he tweeted : “When will we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation corruption and Hillary’s pay-for-play at State Department?”

“You look at CNN,” he said. “It’s called the Clinton News Network. All day long: ‘Trump, Trump.’ All day long, CNN: ‘Trump, Trump, Trump, such a bad guy.’ I just want to bring back your jobs. I want to bring back your safety.”

He denounced the cable network by a series of tweets as CNN will soon be the least trusted name in news if they continue to be the press shop for Hillary Clinton,” Trump began, adding, “CNN anchors are completely out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. The people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or headline fundraisers – those disconnected from real life.”

People believe CNN these days almost as little as they believe Hillary….that’s really saying something!” Trump wrote.

Trump tweeted on June 27: “.@CNN is all negative when it comes to me,I don’t watch it anymore.”

It is unclear if Mr.Trump personally posted the messages or a campaign staffer posted them using his handle. The timing is noteworthy because Trump has been playing defense for the last few days amidst widespread coverage of Khizr Khan’s anti-Trump speech at the Democratic National Convention and Trump’s critical comments about Mr. Khan’s family. It has been a top story on CNN and other channels ever since.

The @CNN panels are so one sided, almost all against Trump. @FoxNews is so much better and the ratings are much higher. Don’t watch CNN!

Then the Democratic convention happened and Khan’s speech made news. On Sunday evening Trump tweeted, “Wow, it is unbelievable how distorted, one-sided and biased the media is against us. The failing @nytimes is a joke. @CNN is laughable!”

On Monday morning he tweeted a fresh complaint about Khan “viciously” attacking him at the same time Khan was on CNN.

At the rally on Monday afternoon, Trump said he is refusing to grant any interviews with CNN, calling the channel’s reporting dishonest, and saying Fox News has been better. For more than a month, Trump has been appearing regularly on Fox and eschewing most other TV network interview requests.

Last week, he aroused a crowd by falsely claiming that CNN had turned off its camera in the back of the room.


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